future projects

The following constitute short-range and long-range projects for Pan American Ministries.  The truly long-range goal is the building of our Bible school in Managua, Nicaragua where God has already provided the funds for a gorgeous 10-acre tract of land. Below we will give a description and show some pictures. Other short-range projects will be highlighted at the beginning. Thanks for your interest in being a part of what God is doing in Latin America. As soon as we have the next project established we will highlight it here.

Property of Future Bible School

For many years, God had placed on Steven’s heart the vision of a Bible School in Nicaragua. Taking the step of faith was a HUGE step, but we have learned not to limit God! The way God provided for this property is nothing short of miraculous, which leaves us no doubt that it is in the heart of God to build the school. It will be a tool God uses to raise up new leaders, primarily to plant new churches via prepared teams of men and women. However, in addition, it is our goal to prepare future leaders in the secular world, such as Christian entrepreneurs, medical personnel, plumbers, electricians, etc., so God’s kingdom extends to where preachers don’t traditionally have access. Again, we don’t want to limit God in anything. At present, we do not feel it is wise to proceed with construction, but when we feel the green light from God to go forward, we would love for you to be a part of this exciting project!

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