
Pan American Ministries founder, Larry Schnedler is a published author, who has primarily written his books in Spanish. The titles have ranged from books for men to leadership within the church. In 2020 he published his first book in English, “Dangerous Curves”. Below are links to his books. Underneath will be a link to Steven’s Spanish language teaching website where all content is free to listen to or download as well as a link to his trumpet music site designed to raise fund for the future Bible school in Nicaragua.

By/Por Larry Schnedler

Dangerous Curves warns of the hazards of illicit sex but also gives hope to those caught in its web.

“Larry shows us how to live in purity of thought and action, assuring us that the victory Jesus gives over the power of temptation is more than sufficient to keep us from a pit of moral wreckage” Wayne Myers, president, The Great Commission Evangelistic Association.

This book alerts readers to the vast array of temptations baiting all believers, especially those in leadership. It outlines various types of sexual aberrations and how to avoid those snares and live a life of moral purity and sexual integrity.
Dangerous Curves reminds us that no one is invulnerable to temptation and the possibility of moral failure—no one!

Curvas Peligrosas nos enseña acerca de la epidemia de caídas morales que amenaza tanto a los líderes como a los cristianos en general.

Cómo vivir una vida moral de pureza y santidad.
Cómo guardar su matrimonio de contaminación moral.
Cómo proteger su ministerio y su testimonio de las asechanzas del pecado sexual.
Por qué los pastores y líderes cristianos son blancos para los ataques de Satanás en el área moral
Cuáles son las señales de alerta cuando uno corre el peligro de una cada moral.
Los diferentes tipos de pecado sexual y lo que la Biblia dice acerca de ellos.
Cuáles son las influencias que pueden llevar a un problema moral.

Pepitas de Oro
– ¿Se te antoja un rico plato de inspiración y consejos sabios, sazonados con un condimento ocasional de risa?

Pepitas de oro te proporciona esto y mucho más. En sus setenta y cinco temas descubrirás y extraerás el oro en forma de máximas, aforismos, citas de personas ilustres, ilustraciones, anécdotas, refranes, y dichos populares que hablan con agudeza a corazones y mentes. Nos hacen reír, reflexionar y aprender. Nos motivan, retan, enseñan e instruyen.

If you are interested in purchasing any of Larry’s books in quantity for a discount, you can contact him at Larry@PanAmericanMinistries to discuss options. 

By/Por Steven Schnedler is Steven’s Spanish language teaching website which contains teachings on various topics which can be listened to online or downloaded all free of charge. Many include an addition PDF study guitar, also available for download. 

This is Steven Schnedler’s music sales website featuring Christian trumpet music. We invite you to explore the music and if you feel like it would bless you, we invite you to contribute toward the Bible school in Nicaragua with a purchase.

Here you can go to enjoy Steven’s trumpet music on YouTube. All proceeds from this site will go toward the building of the Bible school in Nicaragua. Of course, all is free to watch but you could help us tremendously by just subscribing to the channel. We need 1,000 subscribers to monetize the channel. Would you help us reach our goal?

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