What We Do


TYPES: This includes two kinds of churches: 

1) those under our oversight, or covering. This entails a special relationship and responsibility. (P.A.M. has planted and oversees numerous churches in Latin America.)

2) those of other groups or denominations who invite us to minister the Word there. 

Our calling is to the whole Body of Christ, and we minister wherever God opens doors for us to help others. Our goal is solid Biblical teaching that will build up and equip believers to live a victorious and fruitful Christian life.  


TYPES Marriage & family, leadership, practical ministry, finances/administration, character development, plus Bible themes such as eschatology, gifts of the Spirit, five-fold ministry, evangelism/church growth, to name a few. A Nicaraguan pastor’s comment: “Everything I know about ministry I learned in these seminars.”  And another: “Thank you for this seminar; I didn’t know anything before of what you taught us.”

1) The raising up of new leaders

2) training of existing pastors and leaders to enhance and develop their ministries to greater fruitfulness. 


We offer several types of Special events, including:  Pastors’ conferences, Schools of Ministry, Men’s and Women’s events, and leaders’ retreats. These events have brought teaching, fellowship, and refreshing to many weary pastors and other leaders in Spanish-speaking countries.  

encouragement & counsel

This is given through letters, phone calls, emails, or personal contact.  Problems with a rebellious leader, whether to launch a new ministry in the church, how to help the church grow, how to overcome discouragement, are examples of the many situations pastors face and need a word of counsel or encouragement. P.A.M. leaders are constantly in touch with these pastors, offering that word of refreshing or guidance. Helping them identify and fulfill their vision is also an important part.  


Steven, Larry, and Annis have given teachings by Zoom in moments when circumstances don’t permit us to be personally present with a group (such as the current pandemic).  These groups include congregations, men’s and women’s groups, pastors’ meetings, and couples’ reunions. Steven maintains an on-going Thursday night teaching with pastors in various countries.    


Often pastors, elders, and other leaders who fail are in need of being restored and look to P.A.M. leaders to help in the process that brings them anew to a place of repentance and usefulness in the Kingdom. This has happened on numerous occasions in various countries. Men are in a wholesome and fruitful ministry today because of love and wisdom applied to their lives and ministries by caring P.A.M. leaders.  


This has been vehicles for proven leaders, including pickups, vans, bicycles, motorbikes and even horses. Plus computers, musical instruments, sound systems, and much more. P.A.M. has also purchased properties and helped build churches in many locations in Nicaragua and other countries.    


This has included medical needs ranging from dental (a new set of dentures for a pastor’s wife who was ill due to the serious condition of her teeth), to major surgery. Pastors in poor countries have no medical insurance and often, needed treatment is beyond their reach. 

doing What We Do

Steven teaching leaders in Torreon, Mexico
Larry teaching in Cuba
Larry teaching in Cuba
Larry teaching in Cuba
Steven preaching at Fuentes church, Mexico City
Congregation on 3rd floor in apartment complex-Cuba
This 1948 Studebaker was our Cuba transportation.
Steven translating for evangelist Randy Mask in Corinto, Nicaragua
Steven teaching leaders in Esteli, Nicaragua
Steven teaching in Teloloapan, Mexico
Pastors studying in Managua, Nicaragua seminar
Steven preaching in Esteli, Nicaragua
Pastors & leaders from many denominations fill this church near Holguin, Cuba.
Steven praying for healing in Esteli, Nic
Pastor Felix and Family-Cuba
Steven with two little worship dancers in Managua, Nicaragua
Checking out the Coffee beans in Nicaragua
Steven chatting with elders of el Shaddai church, Managua, Nicaragua
Steven teaching leaders in Tegucigalpa, Honduras
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